Jamie Dutil

Jamie Dutil
Born and raised in Vermont, Jamie has dedicated her career to animal welfare and has worked in the field in a professional capacity for over fifteen years. She holds a bachelor's degree in Animal & Veterinary Science from the University of Vermont, and a Master's degree from Walden University in Nonprofit Leadership & Management. She carries a wide diversity of experience, including general practice clinics, high volume spay/neuter clinics, disaster animal first response teams, animal shelters, and now supporting Peak Veterinary Referral Center and SAVES with specialty and ER services. She also spent a few years in deep South Texas, fundraising and working to implement life-saving programs in a severely underserved city with an overwhelming stray pet overpopulation crisis. Additionally, Jamie has served on several animal-centric nonprofit Boards of Directors.
Jamie lives in northeastern Vermont, known colloquially as simply "the icebox". In her free time, she enjoys spoiling her pets, horseback riding, kayaking, reading, swimming in rivers and lakes, and gardening.